Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Unbrick Your Tecno, Infinix, Gionee Phone Tutorial

How to Unbrick your MTK Android Phone
If you have Brick your MTK phones e.g Tecno, Infinix, e.t.c. and you think that is the end but the good news is that there is a way out just follow my eay tutorial.

MTK Droid Tools (MDT)
SP Flash Tools (SFT)
PC and MTK VCom driver Installed on PC
< a name='more'> USB cable and Bricked Android Phone

Stock or Custom Rom of Bricked Phone backedup by MDT

Install MTK VCom driver
click on root on the front page to create a temporary root shell

open MDT and click on root, backup, recovery tab
click to process blocks for Flash tool and select the stock or base rom you have already backup by MDT and allow to finish

when done open SFT, and connect the bricked phone without turning on
select scater loading, then navigate to the new folder created by MDT and select the scater file there (in form of .txt)

After clicking on this data, you will see a list of files loaded by SFT in which they will bw ticked indicating the files that will be flashed to the phone.

click download at the top.

disconnect the phone from pc and remove battery for 5 seconds
put the battery back and connect to PC without switching on the phone
you should see a progress bar on SFT and after completion, you will see a green ring meaning the process has been completed.

Put on your phone and start enjoying.

NOTE: (a) if MDT can't see your phone, then the VCom driver isn't install. (b) you don't need root access for this. (c) if you use the backup of another person's phone, then after flashing you should do a factory reset to wipe the entire user data of the person off the phone.

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